Monday, July 16, 2012

SUPERKIDS Unit 1 Candyland Game

I have been trying to think of ways to improve my students word reading skills.  Many of my students have difficulty with the pattern words from our curriculum.  I wanted to find a fun way for them to practice these words.

Then I found..........................................CANDYLAND by Hasbro!

Mel at Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations has created Candyland cards with skills to replace the actual cards in a Candyland game. (If you need a Candyland card set for other adoptions, or specific skills............see Mel because she has many wonderful sets!) I thought maybe this would be just the way to have my students practice their "SUPERKIDS" pattern words, too.  So if you are a "SUPERKIDS" teacher, here is Unit 1! WILL need the game.  I was lucky and found mine at Goodwill for $1.99.  If the cards are missing...........oh well, since you will be replacing those anyway! (Mine actually were all there!)

I plan to work on Unit 2 soon.  (I actually have Units 3 and 4 finished, I just haven't had my Unit 2 manual at home.)  So make sure that you follow my blog if you are interested in the next units.

I hope that you can get some use out of these game cards.  It is just another way to add fun to an already FANTASTIC curriculum!


  1. I found your blog via the SK Facebook page and I am so glad to meet a second grade SuperKids Teacher! Thanks for sharing all the materials you have made! We piloted the program last year and have adopted it as our reading curriculum and I love the program. I'm so excited to find someone else who uses it and shares her great ideas! Thanks!

  2. Hi,
    I am having a hard time downloading the CandyLand materials. Google Docs gives me an error message. Would it be possible to have you email them to me?
    Thank you,
    Sunnyvale, CA

  3. Hi-

    I love your idea and work. I also got an error when trying to download the item. Can you email it to me as well?


  4. Hello! I just came across this blog as I was searching for superkids materials! Can I please have the link to your candyland games or email me at
    Thank you!!
