Saturday, July 28, 2012

Memories! Light the Corners of my Mind. (Memory Words that is!)

The, Way, We, Were............

Oh, wait.......those are memory words!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just think I need to "drill" those memory words into my students memories.  So I felt like I just "HAD" to create some memory word flash cards for the SUPERKIDS 2nd grade words. (If you do not use this curriculum, these cards can still be used.  You can just reorganize them into how your curriculum uses them or as supplemental words.) I like to use these words for flashcards, games, word work, word races, etc.

Here are the first two units:

Unit 1

Unit 2

That should get you through the first 8 weeks of lessons.

Enjoy!  Please let me know if you are able to use these ideas and materials. (It encourages me to create more.....!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

SUPERKIDS "Candyland" Unit 2

If you did not see my previous post on the SUPERKIDS Curriculum Candyland Unit 1 game, please find it here.

I want to thank Rowland Reading Foundation for giving me permission to use the clip art of Golly.  I know how much my students love him. Just by including the image of him on the cards, I think my students will want to play the game even more.

I wanted to get at least the first two units up before Friday so that anyone trying to prepare for the beginning of the year would be able to get them printed and ready.  Since some schools start earlier than we do (August 27th), I wanted you to have at least 8 weeks worth of games to begin.

Here is Unit 2.

Hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

SUPERKIDS Unit 1 Candyland Game

I have been trying to think of ways to improve my students word reading skills.  Many of my students have difficulty with the pattern words from our curriculum.  I wanted to find a fun way for them to practice these words.

Then I found..........................................CANDYLAND by Hasbro!

Mel at Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations has created Candyland cards with skills to replace the actual cards in a Candyland game. (If you need a Candyland card set for other adoptions, or specific skills............see Mel because she has many wonderful sets!) I thought maybe this would be just the way to have my students practice their "SUPERKIDS" pattern words, too.  So if you are a "SUPERKIDS" teacher, here is Unit 1! WILL need the game.  I was lucky and found mine at Goodwill for $1.99.  If the cards are missing...........oh well, since you will be replacing those anyway! (Mine actually were all there!)

I plan to work on Unit 2 soon.  (I actually have Units 3 and 4 finished, I just haven't had my Unit 2 manual at home.)  So make sure that you follow my blog if you are interested in the next units.

I hope that you can get some use out of these game cards.  It is just another way to add fun to an already FANTASTIC curriculum!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thank You, Thank You Very Much!

And the award goes to..............................Mrs. Rhodes' Scholars!
I am so very honored to have been nominated for this award by

Thank you Lori!!!

Ok, Ok!  I know I have the 50's on my brain.  I have been working in my room for several days and it is slowly starting to transform.  But first ....

Random FYI about Me:

1.  I was not even alive in the 50's so I have had to use my parents and the internet as resources for ideas for my classroom!  
2.  I have taught every grade level from Kindergarten through 8th grade at some time during my teaching career.  For part of one year, I actually taught 6th, 7th, & 8th grade math in the morning and Kindergarten in the afternoon.  (This could explain my craziness, you think? LOL!)
3.  I LOVE math!  I have a specialization in math.
4.  I LOVE art and crafting.  Most of my college electives are actually in art.  Many people don't understand my love of art and math, but art is really just math used in beautiful ways.
5.  My favorite authors are Tony Hillerman and Patricia Cornwell.  I love mysteries and the logic of solving them.  I enjoy Sudoku too.
6.  I use lots of music in my classroom!  I try to find songs that teach whatever concepts that my students are learning.  They remember things in songs so much easier than if it is presented in any other way.  My favorites are Jack Hartmann, Dr. Jean, Ron Brown, and Joe Guida.  Now that I teach 2nd, I tend to use more of the Ron Brown music because he has songs for more advanced levels.  I actually visited with him at KTOT's (Kindergarten Teachers of Texas) State Conference the year I was  in 6th, 7th, and 8th about songs for Middle School.  He was so gracious and helpful.  Gotta love him!
7.  I love to go "treasure" hunting at second hand stores.  I have found so many items for my classroom there.  I can't really go here where I live since we don't have any good ones, but when I go to my parent's,  I go on a "tour" of all of the wonderful stores near them!  My mom loves to join in.  She is a former teacher so she "gets it"!
8.  I live on a farm with horses, cows, cats, dogs, and lots of John Deere green!  My husband is a farmer and rancher who operates a farm with his identical twin brother and mother.  I LOVE the peaceful country life!  I couldn't make it in the big city.....too noisy for me.

And Now the Nominations Are:

I would like to nominate the following 16 blogs for this honor. (I just couldn't stop at 15!) They have provided me so much insight and they truly deserve recognition for their wonderful ideas!   I know that many have probably received this honor before, but I wanted to let them know what an inspiration they are to me!  So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sharing your ideas!

1.  Jessica at Dandelions and Dragonflies
2.  Amy at Step into Second Grade.
3. Brenda at Primary Inspired 
4.  Misty at Think, Wonder, & Teach
5.  Amanda at Reaching for the Top
6. Emily at 2nd Grade Mon-"Stars"
7. Lory at Lory's Page
8.  Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory
9.  Kylie at Down Under Teacher
10.  Inspired in Second
11.  Donna at Math Coach's Corner
12. Nicole at Mrs. Rios Teaches Second Grade
13.  Teri at A Cupcake for the Teacher
14.  Mrs. Sheehan at Learning in Wonderland
15.  Heather at Heather's Heart
16. Amanda at Teaching Maddeness

To accept this award you must:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you on your blog. 
 2. Include a link to their site.
 3. Include the award image on your blog.
 4. Include 7 random facts about yourself. (I did 8.)
5. Nominate 15 other blogs for this award ( I nominated 16.)
6. When nominating, be sure to include a link to their site.
 7. Let bloggers know they have been nominated. (I am leaving a comment on the most recent post on each of the 16 blogs!)

Again, thank you Lori for nominating me and please visit all of these wonderful blogs for ideas to make your teaching even more phenomenal than it already is!
Thank you, thank you very much

Sunday, July 8, 2012

My 50's Diner Classroom!

I was so excited to see that Corrina at Surfin' Through Second was holding a fabulous linky party on classroom themes and inspirations.  I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone's ideas for their classrooms.  I know I have certainly learned soooooo much from "peeping" into these other fabulous classrooms.  So join in and link up to:

This year my theme is a 50's diner.  I am trying to use lots of black, white, and red.  For my bulletin boards, I have solid black fabric as backgrounds. Being in an old school, our walls are all white.  With black fabric backgrounds and the red and white gingham borders it gives it a 50's diner feel.  I also have some silver/chrome borders that I plan to use as accents.


I have made several items for my classroom to add to the black, white, and red theme.  I found this cork board at a thrift store for $1.99 so I just had to revamp it for my room. (Sorry for the light reflections.) I painted it black and then glued gingham ribbon around the edges.  Next, I cut up a black and red feather boa and glued it on the corner.  Then I glued a bow made of the ribbon on the upper corner.  Finally, I attached a crocheted flower to the center of the bow.  I love the look and I think it will look great near my door for notes.

 The next new item that I made was my "gumball" machine.  I had actually made this years ago from clay pots and a fish bowl, but it was simply the wrong color.  I brought it home and repainted it.  I painted it solid red and then attached items to make it more "flashy".  I glued black ball tassels around the lid.  Where the fish bowl connects to the bottom, I used more of the black and red feather boa and then glued a black and white gingham bow.  Along the base I simply glued more of the black and white gingham ribbon.  I really looks fabulous now!

 I like to expose my students to some of the actual people of the fifties, just like in an actual diner.  I bought lots of frames from the Dollar Tree and painted them red.  Once dry, I used sandpaper to rough up the red paint.  I then found pictures of popular stars of the 50's and printed out black and white photos to fit in the frames.  I use these on shelves and in various nooks and crannies that need a little interest in the classroom.

 This new container is simply Oxy-Clean containers that I have painted.  I decided that I was going to be thrifty this summer and made my own laundry detergent.  I used two containers of Oxy-Clean and just could not throw these wonderful containers away. I spray painted them black and then simply glued large red ric-rac on the top edge of them.  (Unfortunately, they were still hot and I still have "glue webs" on them in the picture.) I have already gotten more of the containers from my mom and now have one for each of my class tables.  I plan on putting some of the students' supplies in them.

I don't have pictures, but I have also bought the shelving units like Dandelions and Dragonflies uses for each of her tables.  I need to go to school and put those together.  Unfortunately, I received "reject" tables and they are not going to match my red, white, and black theme.  I'm thinking of maybe buying table cloths to cover them.

 We do have the wonderful Lakeshore A Place for everyone carpet.  I love it, but it has other colors too.  I have already reconciled to the fact that since many of the items in my classroom are other colors, I will try to tie it together by using gingham in those colors as accents.
I have found that this is not a common theme and I really haven't found much online to help me with ideas.  I usually look at what I need and then try to create something to "cutesy it up".  I will try to post other ideas as I make more progress in my classroom.  I hope to work there some this week.  We'll see how it turns out.  I hope it will be cute. (Fingers crossed!)

Right now I am in the process of creating Whole Brain Teaching Rules posters with the black and white check background.  I plan on trying WBT out this year.  Follow my blog if you would like those when I finish as I plan on posting them for free!

Don't forget to join the linky!  Hope to see you back soon!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

IPAD anyone?

How would you like to win an IPAD?  Teacher Created Resources is having a giveaway that includes the Grand Prize of an IPAD.  Five runner-up winners will win their new Writing app.  Click here or on the picture to enter.

What is really nice is that you can earn extra entries by referring other people.  If you enter using my link, then I will receive an extra entry.  When YOU enter, you will receive a link to share and then you can refer others who will give YOU more entries.  Good luck!