Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fluency in the "Fry"ing Pan

Fluency in reading is such an important skill.  There are so many wonderful games and ideas online for using Fry words and phrases.  One way that I have found to practice fluency is using these games to have students practice reading words and phrases in a fun format.

I found that I needed sets of the words and phrases to use in many of the games that I have found online. Unique Teaching Resources  had sets of the cards available free online so I downloaded sets of those.  I wanted larger strips with the phrases, so I created sets of cards for the phrases.

The First 100 Fry Phrase Cards

The Second 100 Fry Phrase Cards

 The Third 100 Fry Phrase Cards

Since I wanted my students to be able to practice these words at home, I created lists with all of the Fry Words and Phrases on them.  I simply copied the sheets and placed them in page protectors in the students "Take-Home" binders (Moose books, etc.)  The students would work on them at home and would use the games and cards to practice in class.

I hope that you can get some use out of these items.


  1. THANK YOU so much for this resource! I plan on putting the lists in my students' BEE folders and then copy the other pages to cardstock for practice with our 4th grade buddies next year. You are a lifesaver! I appreciate you taking the time to put them out for others to use! THANK YOU!!!

  2. Thank you for this awesome resource!

  3. These are fantastic! I definitely really skimped on sight words and phonics last year, something I want to better this summer. Do you do a fluency folder? I wanted to set one up for my students with resources inside they could practice. I just haven't really sat down and decided how to work it out. Would you tell me what you do for sight words and fluency? Thanks :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  4. I haven't done a fluency folder in the past, but I have sent fluency items home with my students in their FIFTIES(moose type book)binder each week.

    Our series has a fluency page that goes home each week. It is simply one "story" from the weekly chapter of their decodable reader. (Each week the students read one chapter, which is made up of 5- two page stories.)
    Our decodable stories are all on tape so students can listen to them and read along. I do lots of "Popcorn" reading. Sometimes I will read a few sentences, then say "popcorn" and the students then take over. I will randomly say "popcorn" to switch back and forth. They LOVE this because they really have to follow along to know where I am in the story. We often change it up and do it boys vs. girls, red shirts vs. white shirts (uniform colors), etc. They get more opportunity to read and it is nonthreatening since others are reading with them. They beg to read this way.....even directions on papers!

    Our series uses 12 Memory words (spelling words), but it also has "pattern words" for each week. These are words that follow the phonics pattern that the students are learning that week. I usually test them on "reading" the pattern words on Friday as well as a "spelling" test over the memory words. This summer I am trying to find ways to improve "Spelling".

    FCRR also has some wonderful ideas for fluency that I want to incorporate in to my class as well. I love some of the ideas on readingresource.net. They have an activity called People Reading. You draw a card and then must read the passage in the voice of the person you drew. For example, I choose a card with monster on it. I must read my passage like a monster would read it. Last year my students worked on one poem per six weeks. This year I would like to add more poetry. I also want to make better use of the Fry Phrase cards. I just didn't use them to their fullest. I want students to work even more with phrases and phrasing.

    I will be watching to see what you come up with. If I think of anything else, I will be sure to blog about it.

  5. These are so nicely organized. Thanks for sharing.

  6. These are so nicely organized. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks so much for these! I am excited to add these to my intervention group arsenal :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
