Sunday, January 8, 2012

Prefix and Suffix Leaves

OK......I must confess!  I'm a STALKER!  A blog stalker, that is!  There are SOOOO many incredibly talented people out in blog land that simply amaze me with their ideas.  Pinterest has allowed me to find many new and exciting ideas that have made my teaching lots easier.

I also must confess that I often take ideas that I have seen and modify them to fit the needs of my class as well as my classroom.  One of my recent "finds" is the blog Dandelions and Dragonflies.  This teacher had a post called "The Root of It All" about prefix and suffix trees that were just what my class needed.  The problem was that I am in a small room and I have 26 students so there was simply not enough space to have a "tree" for each prefix and suffix.  I modified her idea by making one tree for prefixes and one tree for suffixes.  I used DJ Inker clip art and made leaves for each prefix and suffix.  It is not as student centered as I would have preferred, but it at least reminds the students of the meanings of each.

If you like this idea, please visit Dandelions and Dragonflies and download a copy of her tree.  If you would like my they are.


I hope you enjoy these!


  1. I love this!!! I don't have alot of room either:) Would love to see these in your room:) Just found your blog:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Love this! Found you through pinterest and I'm your newest follower! When it pulls up on Google Docs though, I can't save there anyway you could email it to me?

    Living A Wonderful Life

  3. Love your modification of the original! Perfect! Love your blog and am now following you!

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  4. Just found you through Pinterest...we are all stalkers and big copycats!!!! Just finished printing out my set. Thanks...What font did you use????

  5. The font on the leaves is Elephants in Cherry Trees. It is from Kevin and Amanda. They have so many cute fonts. Check them out at Their fonts make anything look cuter!

  6. Thank you so much for your suffix idea! I will use these next week! I found your blog on Pinterest! I am new to blogger and having a blast! If you interested in learning ways to integrate technology into your classroom, maybe stop by my new blog!

  7. SO CUTE! Love this freebie!!! Great idea!


  8. LOVE these! Thanks! :)


  9. Great idea, thanks so much for sharing! :)

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  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. thes look great but the link no longer seems to work. Could you please advise how i could get this wonderful resource?
