Sunday, January 8, 2012

"Piggy" Papers!

I don't know about your class, but at this time of year my class has been getting a little "sloppy" with their writing.  I told them I didn't want any "piggy" papers!  So I created this little reminder for them.  I actually printed it using poster print on my printer and they laugh about it every time they are reminded! 

Blog Design

I have to thank Kristen for making me the most adorable new blog.  I could not be any happier!  Kristen is so easy to work with and is a true artist in her designs.  We located the perfect graphics at Scrappin' Doodles and the perfect fonts at Sweet Shoppe Designs. Kristen magically turned our ideas into the blog that you now see.

Since this is actually my 2nd time to work with Kristen, I fully understand how special she is!  If you are in need of a new design, go on over and visit Kristen at her new site Bitten by the Blog Bug! 

MLK Day Printables

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is already here!  We are halfway through our school year and I feel like I am AT LEAST a year behind! Ali's comment on my kindergartenrhode blog seems to sum it up better than any I have ever heard.

I did want to share some MLK printables that I created for my classroom.  I found ideas all over the net, but didn't find exactly the skills that my students will be working on.  I needed a timeline component  that my students could add to their journals so I created a timeline that my students could add the event to as we learn about the life of MLK Jr.  I also wanted a map skills component.  So I created a printable that will allow your students to follow important events in the life of MLK Jr. and then enter them into the legend.  (I plan on having my students choose a color and make a dot on the map for that event, and then add that color to the legend.)

I hope that you can use this with your students.  I am planning to add more of these type activities for some of the historical people that our state requires us to teach. (George Washington Carver, Amelia Earhart, etc.)


Stay tuned for Math entries, coming soon!

Prefix and Suffix Leaves

OK......I must confess!  I'm a STALKER!  A blog stalker, that is!  There are SOOOO many incredibly talented people out in blog land that simply amaze me with their ideas.  Pinterest has allowed me to find many new and exciting ideas that have made my teaching lots easier.

I also must confess that I often take ideas that I have seen and modify them to fit the needs of my class as well as my classroom.  One of my recent "finds" is the blog Dandelions and Dragonflies.  This teacher had a post called "The Root of It All" about prefix and suffix trees that were just what my class needed.  The problem was that I am in a small room and I have 26 students so there was simply not enough space to have a "tree" for each prefix and suffix.  I modified her idea by making one tree for prefixes and one tree for suffixes.  I used DJ Inker clip art and made leaves for each prefix and suffix.  It is not as student centered as I would have preferred, but it at least reminds the students of the meanings of each.

If you like this idea, please visit Dandelions and Dragonflies and download a copy of her tree.  If you would like my they are.


I hope you enjoy these!